‘A crackerjack read’: Lydia Kwa’s Oracle Bone is magical historical fiction for adults, YA-style

‘A crackerjack read’: Lydia Kwa’s Oracle Bone is magical historical fiction for adults, YA-style

Oracle Bone
By Lydia Kwa
Aresenal Pulp Press
304 pp; $19.95

Oracle Bone, the new novel from Singapore-born, Vancouver-based writer Lydia Kwa, is at once richly imaginative and deeply human, a compelling narrative drawing the reader with both the fantastic and the familiar.

Set in seventh-century China, Oracle Bone begins with Ling, a young woman, being sold into slavery following the murder of her parents by pirates. She is bought – and her life saved – by Qilan, a mysterious Daoist nun who takes the young girl under her wing, supporting her dreams of revenge while at the same time preparing her for an altogether different future. Qilan, it gradually emerges, is the daughter of a fox spirit, with a connection to Xie, lover of the empress Wu Zhao. Xie, who has been possessed by a demon, is encouraging and supporting Wu Zhao’s bid for power (which includes some delicate poisoning), and searching frantically for a particular oracle bone – a tool for divination – with which he might cement his own power.

Xie doesn’t realize that Qilan has stolen the oracle bone, believing that it might assist in the destruction of Gui, the demon possessing Xie. A confrontation is, naturally, inevitable, and the novel builds toward that moment over a period of years.

Drawing on history, mythology, folklore and magic, Oracle Bone is, chronologically, the first in a trilogy of novels rooted in the chuanqi traditions (literally translated, chuanqi refers to “transmission of the strange,” and the stories in this genre – generally from the Tang Dynasty, when Oracle Bone is set – contain elements of the supernatural, but are treated as factual, even ordinary). The Walking Boy, the second novel in the trilogy, though the first to be published, was shortlisted for the Ethel Wilson Prize upon its publication in 2005; a new edition will be published next year.

Despite the attractions of the fantastic and the magical, however, Oracle Bone succeeds because of the verisimilitude of its characters, in particular the two women at the centre of the story. The development of both Ling and Qilan is handled gently and with subtlety, elliptically layering elements of their characters together until a rich, vivid impression develops. Kwa handles the development of Harelip – a young monk who is assisting with Xuanzang’s translation of the Heart Sutra, the key Buddhist text the older monk has brought from India – in much the same way, layering his concerns and questions to create a vivid portrait.

We are gifted, by novel’s conclusion, not only with a heroic narrative centred on two women, but a historical novel in which the course of nation, a culture, a religion and an entire world are shaped by two women and a gay monk. To Kwa’s considerable credit, readers are not alerted to the significance of this. Rather, the events of Oracle Bone unfold with the unspoken authority that this is how these events unfolded, and it would be ridiculous to question it with something so petty as gender concerns.

Despite its considerable strengths, however, the novel stumbles, somewhat, on a stylistic level. While there is much to be said for a lean narrative style, for allowing the reader to imagine rather than boring them with pages of description, and for allowing action and dialogue to lead – Kwa seems to have taken these approaches a bit too far.

The style of Oracle Bone is so tight that readers may find difficulty in orienting themselves within the text. Descriptions are kept to a minimum, which keeps the world of the novel at a remove. I’m not a fan of over-description, but when a story moves from a monastery to an imperial bedroom to a brothel, one wants to get a sense of each of these environments, and how they differ from one another. Especially in a historical novel moving in what will likely be, for many readers, a distant culture.

Similarly, the parsed quality of the sentences – while pushing the narrative forward with considerable efficiency – often leads Oracle Bone to read like a young adult novel. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, but it may not be what readers are expecting.

While these issues may leave readers wondering about the book that might have been, there is considerable pleasure to be found in the book we have. Oracle Bone is a crackerjack read, a suspense-filled quest novel that flips conventions on their head without seeming to notice or care, a richly-imagined thriller that raises the sort of fundamental questions it could take a lifetime of study to answer.

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