The ‘sadistic science’ to surviving the average a–hole

The ‘sadistic science’ to surviving the average a–hole

By Terra Arnone

The Asshole Survival Guide: How to Deal with People Who Treat You Like Dirt
Robert I. Sutton
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
224 pp; $28.00

Stanford Professor Robert Sutton penned his 2007 Harvard Business Review essay, “The No Asshole Rule,” knowing it might hit a nerve. A frank, well-researched revelation addressing assholic behaviours in the workplace, the essay was expanded into a book – a bestselling one at that – and has since given Sutton a name (“The Asshole Guy”) he can’t seem to shake. In the decade since “The No Asshole Rule” went no-holds-barred identifying workspace home-wreckers, Sutton has received thousands of emails asking essentially the same question: what do I do about it?

Sutton sat down to write his fourth book, The Asshole Survival Guide, in response. Here’s what we learned:

Everyone has a type. Assholedom isn’t limited to one brand of bad behaviour, and while several employees found themselves subject to rather outright aggression, Sutton crafts a term for subtler sass we can’t help but adore: passhole (noun), a passive-aggressive asshole. Passholes are a sly bunch, and their behaviour can be tougher to combat because of it. When it comes to passholes, Sutton says, there’s strength in numbers. Understanding conduct in the wider context of company culture helps to frame your own experience, and observing the treatment of coworkers and their responses to this behaviour can go a long way. While mean manners can feel personal, and sometimes they are, a hard look might help you see how others receive and respond to passive slights. You can use these observations to buffer blows on self-esteem (i.e., it’s not me, it’s you), and if the situation calls for it, appropriately escalate the situation with coworkers in tow.

“Clenched anger, cold asshole.” That’s how one victim described the pain they endured over many long years subject to workplace wrongdoing. The time it took for him to skedaddle is something Sutton calls “all too common” in the office environment. Even the worst duress can be normalized by committed employees – a self-soothing mind trick Sutton calls Asshole Blindness, built to internalize bad behaviour and deceive oneself instead. Academics call it the sunk cost fallacy, explained simply as the mind’s ability to justify one’s circumstance when so far gone already; you’ve invested too much to quit, so why now? But, Sutton says, it’s rare that a truly damaging situation will get better, so instead it’s important to recognize the signs – don’t let denial or hope cloud judgment here – and make your getaway before things blow up.

Rhythm method. If you’re not able to ignore or break away from assholes entirely, a change of pace might do just as well instead. There’s some sadistic science at play here, Sutton says: lab tests run on teenage bullies show that torture elicits an immediately pleasurable response up top, with the brain firing happily when subjects express fear or frustration. So take the long way and manage the situation on your own time, advises Sutton, citing one example from a PhD student subject to the thesis advisor from hell. Dispatching angry and demeaning emails on the regular, the student’s academic antagonizer reveled in his understudy’s quick, defensive responses. Over time, the student let those notes linger unread, finding that a delayed reply was rarely met with her professor’s same wrath.

Go with the goss. Sutton’s strategies might be geared for those already suffering from asshole acrimony, but he’d rather you never actually need them. The rise of online rate-and-review feedback systems has broken through in the professional sphere, too, with websites such as Glassdoor or Fortune offering glimpses into the best and worst places to make a buck. So, Sutton says, due diligence can go a long way –check out the information available on leaders before accepting employment in their ranks. And while it’s notoriously unreliable in other situations, gossip can prove handy here, too. People – especially those who’ve managed to rebuff a bad boss before – are often willing to speak candidly about their experiences (temper gossip with the knowledge that it’s easily dramatized, though). If all else fails, try finding a route that involves short-term commitment at a company instead: test the waters, then dive further if things check out.

Hole-ier than thou. Since 2007, Sutton has received nearly 8,000 emails from disgruntled workers, the sheer volume speaking to the abundance of assholes who’ve dominated offices in this last decade alone. He anonymously excerpts the horror stories – offering a healthy dose of schadenfreude throughout – but moderates each tantrum by encouraging complainants to dig deep and reflect honestly before passing judgment. So before stepping forward to apply Sutton’s workplace advice above, we’ll humbly cite the author’s own wise words as caution: “Be slow to label others as assholes, be quick to label yourself as one.”

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