Authentic Happiness

Authentic Happiness Bookographics

Authentic Happiness

Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Lasting Fulfillment BY MARTIN E. P. SELIGMAN, Ph.D. – Free Press © 2002 – 336 Pages FOCUS ON YOUR STRENGTHS Science shows that as we get to know our strengths amd use them daily, our happiness and well-being increase. There are 23 character strengths and they are as follows:

  1. Vitality
  2. Appreciation
  3. Kindness
  4. Creativity
  5. Prudence
  6. Forgiveness/Mercy
  7. Gratitude
  8. Curiosity
  9. Humor
  10. Perspective
  11. Humility/Modesty
  12. Spirituality
  13. Hope
  14. Self-Control
  15. Intelligence (social, emotional, personal)
  16. Learning
  17. Open-mindedness
  18. Bravery
  19. Integrity
  20. Fairness
  21. Citizenship
  22. Love
  23. Persistence
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